Dear readers,
The fires are still raging in Los Angeles as I write this. The devastation and shock of this event will be felt for some time. We are in a time where it feels like there are few places where we feel we may be safe from the impacts of climate change. Personally, I feel that this is generally true. Each region of the world has its own vulnerabilities to this challenge. Some of them we can plan for, and for others, unfortunately, we may not be able to.
I was speaking with one of my mentors yesterday, and the conversation reminded me of something he had shared several years ago with me. I was doing what I do, thinking I could outsmart the natural world, avoid the impacts of climate change by analyzing the shit out of where would be the safest place to me and my loved ones.
My mentor calmly said to me mid-way through my verbal analysis: There is no away, quoting Barry Commoner. Typically shared in the context of the common phrase, "I am going to throw it away" to drive home the point that when we throw something "away" it is still going somewhere, based on the principle of the conservation of matter.
As it was shared by my mentor, this same ecological wisdom was now being applied to me, to my family, and to other loved ones. Today, it is hitting me again. There is no away from this. We cannot hide from this challenge and each of us must do our part. This is not easy, folks. We must do our best to not blame one another and to take a moment to feel our emotional response, whether it be grief, sadness, shock or acceptance.
I invite you to take a moment to consider what tools of resilience the natural world can offer you today. And what you can do to offer back to the natural world with gratitude. For me, taking a moment to feel the tickle of a slight breeze on my cheek last night gave me a moment of peace. I wish the same for you.
If you want to be in a deliberate, loving and thoughtful community during this time, I invite you to join our free membership circle, or to register for the book club that starts in March. We will be considering what it means to take responsibility during this time, from a place of nurturing and shared strength.
With love,